Strengthening civil society organizations For the promotion of a safe and secure environment for children and young people.
Implemented by Restless Development Zambia in collaboration with Afya Mzuri, Childline/Lifeline Zambia, Generation Alive and SAf AIDS, the CIV SAM project works towards equipping children between the ages of 10 to 19 with knowledge on child rights to ensure child protection as well as to have young men and women actively involved in decision making processes relating to policy making, rights advocacy and child protection at community and district levels.
The project also works towards helping change ASRHR attitudes, practices and behaviors among children, young people, parents, religious leaders, health workers and traditional leaders.

In addition to this, CIV SAM empowers young people and children to claim their SRH rights through sexual reproductive health education and assures access to comprehensive sexual reproductive health services.
Funded by the Swedish government through Plan International, the CIV SAM project is being run in the districts of Chibombo, Chisamba, Kabwe and Kapiri Mposhi, focusing on civil society strengthening, sexual reproductive rights and health, child protection as well as youth governance and participation. All of this is been achieved with the help of government officials and representatives, law enforcement officers and social workers who come in as primary duty bearers as well as community based care givers, gate keepers and civil society who take on the role of secondary duty bearers.
With the main target group being girls and boys including children living with disabilities between the ages of 10 to 19 and young men and women aged 20 to 24, the interventions of this project are therefore meant to ultimately benefit the integral wellbeing of children and young people.