69th Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) and Beijing+30

Representatives of Member States, UN entities, and ECOSOC-accredited non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and civil society from all regions of the world  will convene in New York for the Commission on the Status of Women and Beijing+30 from 10-21 March 2025. They must commit to funding young people, youth organisations, and movements championing gender equality. The main …

AU-EU Youth Voices Lab Fund

Are you a youth-led organization or group supporting initiatives led by or benefiting underrepresented and marginalized youth?  Are you passionate about Then, the Representation grant is here to support you! What do the Representation Grants seek to support? It is a grant supporting initiatives led by underrepresented and marginalized youth in Africa with the overall …

2024 GEM Youth Report- Technology In Education: A tool On Our Terms!

Listen to voices of youth from around the world on the use of technology in education. The 2024 Youth Report on technology in education is the result of an extensive consultation process, in partnership with UNESCO and Restless Development, involving +1500 youth and students across 8 regions from our Youth Collective Education Chapter. The consultations …

Looking Back At Youth Power in 2024!

As 2024 draws to a close, we reflect on a year that has been transformative for youth-led change around the world. Restless Development has continued its role in amplifying youth voices, ensuring that young people are not just participants, but leaders in shaping a more just, sustainable and equitable future. It is clear that young …

Lights, Camera, Action: Young Photographers Focus On Safe Spaces To End Violence Against Children

Ten (10) photo essays by young, aspiring photographers from around the world will be on display this November 7 and 8 at the first-ever Ministerial to End Violence Against Children in Bogota, Colombia. Restless Development’s powershifting efforts towards young people has allowed a new generation of photographers to shift their own lens towards pressing societal issues.

Porticus Youth Research Launch

Youth-Led Action Research on Transforming Democratic Participation Two passionate young researchers, fueled by their desire to make a difference, were awarded small grants to conduct action-research on issues close to their hearts and reflective of their lived realities. The projects were supported by the Porticus Foundation,  and they center on democratic governance and civic engagement, …


The 2024 Fair Share monitor results have been announced and Restless Development is ranked No.4 out of 95 Organisations!  The Fair Share Monitor was founded on the premise that making disparities transparent is the first step to advocate for gender equity.  Since its inception in 2019, FAIR SHARE annually measures the representation of women in …

 Moving Commitments to Action

Gender Data as a Cornerstone of Feminist Foreign Policy Since Sweden announced the world’s first feminist foreign policy (FFP) in 2014, the momentum has grown, with fifteen countries committing to FFPs by June 2024. Despite this, gender data remains overlooked in many FFP discussions and policies, hindering governments’ abilities to measure progress, ensure accountability, and …

Chamada para inscrições: Projeto Fotografia Segura – “Safe Photografy”

O que significa para VOCÊ se sentir “segura”? A Restless Development está procurando 12 pessoas fotógrafas jovens para se juntarem ao movimento que pretende acabar com a violência contra crianças – alterando positivamente o ponto de vista sobre um problema que afeta metade das meninas e meninos do mundo. Quando líderes mundiais se reunirem este …


Qu’est-ce que cela signifie pour TOI de te sentir “en sécurité” ? Restless Development recherche 12 jeunes photographes pour rejoindre le mouvement visant à mettre fin à la violence contre les enfants – en bouleversant positivement le point de vue sur un problème qui touche la moitié des filles et des garçons dans le monde.  …